Winners and WINNERS

First of all, let’s all give a great big cheer to Cindy Brown, who won my Valentine’s YA GIVEAWAY! Way to go, Cindy! You’re getting a copy of THE FUTURE OF US, plus chocolate, the perfect Valentine’s gift IMHO. Somehow, my two maniacs pulled your name out of the hat, and I managed to get a picture before they lost the paper! 🙂

YAY, CINDY! I love giving books away, and I hope to hold more giveaways this year! Cindy also writes an awesome blog called Everyday Underwear–really funny stuff. You should check it out!

Next up, we have winners of a completely different variety. The season of writing conferences has begun, and I’ve been favorite-ing some of my, um, favorite tweets from insightful people in publishing. I starred quite a few from SCBWI-NY, and I thought I’d share them here. Happy February, everyone!


3 comments to Winners and WINNERS

  • EEK! I won! Thank you for the sweets, sweets! I can't wait to get the book and yum… chocolate! You rock! Wow, I just ended every single sentence in an exclamation point, I'm so excited! Is that lame for a writer? Eh, probably, but since when do I care what's proper etiquette for my writing? LOL! :0)

    Thanks for the shout-out to my blog as well – kind of cosmic repayment, isn't it?

    I am going to BlogHer this summer in Chicago. It will be my first conference. Are you going to any? I will have to look up some of the people you featured here on Twitter.

    Thanks again!

  • Yay! I am so glad you won Cindy! I really like reading both your and Melanie's blog updates! Hope you both are having a fabulous week writing up a storm! I am having a relatively great week so far…writing a lot more than I usually do and it feels great.

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